Regenerative Medicine News.
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction (ED): An Essential Guide to Causes, Impact, and Solutions
Few things can be more damaging to a man’s self-esteem than being unable to perform to his satisfaction in the bedroom. If you’ve been experiencing ED during sex or masturbation, there are far more treatment options now than just popping a pill or undergoing surgery. Erectile Dysfunction Treatments at The Novus Center At The Novus […]
Sexual Health As You Age
It’s a problem we’re familiar with hearing about from our patients: they don’t quite have the boundless bedroom energy they had in their 20s. Things aren’t working as flawlessly “down there.” But just because you’re gaining another number doesn’t mean you should stop enjoying sexual activity. Now more than ever, there are methods of maintaining […]
Superfoods to Eat for Better Bedroom Performance and Strong Erections
Sexual gratification involves a lot of moving parts. While there are many effective sexual performance aids available, such as shockwave therapy, to help in this area, having more options is always better. Did you know that certain superfoods can actually help with performance and endurance in the bedroom? Making these foods part of daily meal […]
Kegel Exercises for Men
If you’re looking for a quick and simple way to boost your orgasms, try Kegel exercises for men! Kegels aren’t just for the ladies—by doing regular reps, you can take your bedroom game to a whole new level. Kegels help you control ejaculation so you can last longer in bed, they make your orgasms more […]
Why You Have Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is a frustrating issue experienced by many men. This sexual-dysfunction issue can cause relationship and intimacy problems, along with feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and inadequacy. Another condition, delayed ejaculation (also known as impaired ejaculation), can also result in these problems. At The Novus Center, we regularly treat patients with sexual-dysfunction issues like […]
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