Can Anyone Use the Phoenix for Erectile Dysfunction?

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, the biggest myth is that it’s a byproduct of getting old and you cannot avoid such a condition. The truth is that ED is usually caused by a reduction of blood flow due to hardened deposits in your blood vessels, which can be reversed. There are various treatments available, such as shockwave therapy, medications, or PRP injections. One of the most effective therapies is the Phoenix, a device you can use at home.

This device uses acoustic wave therapy (AWT) that sends high-frequency, low-intensity sound waves to your penis. The sound waves break apart any hardened plaque that is preventing blood flow to your tissues. Unlike traditional AWT treatments, this one requires no office visits, no expensive co-pays, or taking hours off work. For a one-time cost, you can perform your treatments at home, each lasting only 20 minutes and requiring no downtime.

Who Can Use the Phoenix for Erectile Dysfunction?

The device is safe, and painless. It can also be used to treat penis curvatures. Any man in good health who is experiencing mild to severe ED and does not want to use expensive pills or painful needles can use this device. Over 40 clinical studies have proven the efficiency of this technology, which has left 93% of men satisfied with the results.

With that being said, there are a few considerations as to who is the right candidate for this kind of treatment. Before settling on this treatment, it is vital to understand the root causes of ED. There are three pillars to your sexual wellness, all of which must be optimized to prevent low sexual performance. If you want to get the best results for your investment, you can optimize the following pillars to easily achieve a better erection at any age with at-home AWT.

Pillar #1: Internal Plumbing

The first pillar is your cardiovascular system, which acts as your internal “plumbing” to provide blood flow to your tissue. Factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, or plaque build-up can lead to smaller or ruptured vessels, which can cause a decrease in blood flow to your genital region.

You can control this pillar by using acoustic wave therapy to break up any plaque build-up that prevents adequate blood flow to the blood vessels located in your penis. These waves also stimulate your body’s natural healing process to form new healthy blood cells, further improving blood flow for optimal performance.

What Will This Not Work On?

If you are suffering from hormone imbalances, high blood pressure, diabetes, or side effects of being overweight, you won’t see immediate results using wave therapy. Such factors will also require changes to your diet and lifestyle before you can experience the effectiveness of wave technology.

Pillar #2: Hormonal Chemistry

The second pillar is your hormonal chemistry. As you age, the number of hormones in your body will begin to decline, which can have detrimental impacts on your blood vessels and tissues.

If a hormonal imbalance causes your ED, you can experience the best results by combining acoustic wave therapy with the P-Shot or stem cell exosome P-Shot with hormone balancing, both of which are offered in our office.

Pillar #3: Nerve Signals From Your Brain

The third pillar is your brain, which carries nerve signals to your penis. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder can prevent your nerve signals from communicating with your genitals, which may be a contributing cause of ED.

If you are experiencing any of these conditions in conjunction with poor performance in the bedroom, you should see a sex therapist before trying any AWT therapy or treatment.

Treating Root Causes vs Symptoms

By treating the root cause of ED rather than the symptoms, you may never need to rely on prescription medications again. Such pills only act as a “band-aid” treatment, treating only surface symptoms. AWT therapy works to regenerate your blood vessels, which can leave you with longer-lasting results. Depending on your health, most users begin to see positive results after a few treatments and can expect to see improvements for up to three months.

The device itself delivers optimal results for up to one million pulses, which amounts to about 70 treatments. After 65 to 70 treatments, it is best to replace your device since its internal components can wear down and leave you with diminishing results. If you wish, you can even continue to take pills while using this device, as long as we determine it is medically safe to do so.

Achieving the Best Results

When you follow exactly what we recommend here at Novus Anti-Aging Center, you can expect to see great results with handheld AWT. Patients who do not follow our recommendations completely will typically not get the results they desire. By seeking out a medical specialist who also specializes in hormones, anti-aging, and regenerative medicine, however, you can ensure that you properly balance your hormones so you can take the next step in treating ED.

When using an at-home AWT device, you can expect to achieve optimal results by performing two to three treatments twice a week for six to twelve weeks. You can continue to be sexually active while using the device and should work to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, and body mass alongside undergoing hormone-balancing treatments.

Get the Help You Need

As long as you are in good physical and emotional health with balanced hormones and a healthy lifestyle, you can benefit from using an at-home acoustic wave therapy device to enhance your sex life. Using a medical-grade vacuum pump and stainless steel tip, you can enjoy a gentle and precisely calibrated experience.

If you are ready to improve your sexual performance without shots, pills, or embarrassment, contact Novus Anti-Aging Center in Los Angeles today to learn more about our revolutionary AWT treatment options for ED. As we specialize in hormone mastery, anti-aging therapies, and regenerative treatments, we look forward to helping you achieve “on-demand” erections so you can reclaim your performance in the bedroom.

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Experience compassionate care and tailored solutions for your sexual health and anti-aging concerns. We will work with you to enhance satisfaction and wellbeing.

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We do not offer refunds on services rendered. Results for aesthetic services can vary significantly from person to person. We will do our best to achieve your desired result, but outcomes cannot be guaranteed. Patients are responsible for any additional treatments that may be needed to achieve and maintain desired outcomes. If a package is purchased and the patient would like a refund for unused treatments, the refund amount will be calculated as the package price minus the number of treatments used at the individual treatment price.