smiling older handsome man


otherwise known as The Galaxy Shot ™

We understand that addressing sexual health concerns can feel awkward or inconvenient. We're excited to offer a revolutionary approach!

Gone are the days of worrying about doctor visits, medications, or side effects. We're bringing state-of-the-art sexual health technology directly to you.

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What is Exosome P-Shot®?

With the Exosome P-Shot, Los Angeles patients can achieve even more impressive results than were possible with the P-Shot. You may already know that your own platelet rich plasma (PRP) can help grow more tissue in your penis. You may also know that stem cells have been added to that plasma to deliver growth factors. Now we’ve shed the cell to bring you just the powerful exosomes inside, which deliver growth factors to your penile tissue through cellular signaling.

Exosomes are tiny bubbles on the outer rim of your cells that carry biochemical messages. These cellular “workers bees” have been used for prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of diseases. They flow in all bodily fluids – blood, urine, saliva, semen – sending communications throughout your body to disrupt dysfunction and stimulate cell repair.

That’s why American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine expert Stephanie Wolff has replaced the stem cells in her powerful P-Shot Therapy with exosomes. Her source? Kimera Labs – the company that produces the world’s first publicly available exosome product via placental and amniotic MSC stem cells. Kimera is currently helping the FDA write U.S. exosome regulation.

There are many erectile dysfunction causes – but only one solution. Stephanie’s team at Novus Anti-Aging Center has plenty of thankful patients who can attest to the power of the Exosome P-Shot for erectile dysfunction symptoms. To begin your customized protocol and enjoy more potent, longer-lasting erections, call Novus Anti-Aging Center at (310) 954−1450 or contact us here.

How do exosomes P-Shot® work?

Exosomes are like highly specialized “worker bees” on the edge of a stem cell that deliver proteins, RNA, and most promisingly – mRNA, the protein manufacturer. These crucial biochemicals then force other cells to make proteins that repair cell damage in your penis. Exosomes are so small and nimble they can travel through your bloodstream, carrying multiple doses of platelets and proteins to your penile tissue by crossing barriers that whole cells have trouble crossing.

They are also much more effective than stem cells because:

  • injecting only exosome vesicles and none of the cell DNA allows us to avoid the potential risk posed by stem cells
  • Kimera Labs enables us to deliver 5 billion exosomes in one 5cc P-Shot vial – it’s impossible to fit that many whole stem cells into a vial

That’s why Novus sexual health specialists have been getting exponentially better results with Exosome P-Shot therapy than they did with stem cell P-Shots.

Are exosomes P-Shot® safe?

Biologists have utilized exosomes as a diagnostic and preventative tool for decades. When produced in Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), they’ve been shown to help reduce inflammation, the root cause of many autoimmune disorders. They’ve also been clinically proven to help grow new blood vessels (angiogenesis) more efficiently than whole stem cells.

One of the most common causes of ED is diabetes, which can damage the blood supply to the penis and the nerves that control an erection. A study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine last year demonstrated that stem cell-derived exosomes alleviate diabetic erectile dysfunction.1

Another 2018 study demonstrated that erectile function caused by cavernous nerve injury (CNI) was significantly improved with MSC exosome treatment. It enhanced smooth muscle and collagen content while preventing cell death in the corpus cavernosum (the bulk of penis tissue).2

Stephanie and her team use Kimera exosomes, because Kimera Labs goes above and beyond FDA requirements by testing placenta and amniotic fluid donors for 14 different viruses in their class 7 cleanrooms, where every product is validated via protein and nucleic acid characterization – the most effective technology available.

Are you the right candidate?

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Clinical Research


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Frequently Asked Questions
About Exosome P-Shot®

What are Exosomes?
Exosomes are small fluid-filled balloons along the endocytic pathway, along which all biochemicals must travel to reach our cells. These lipid vesicles shuttle proteins and genetic information between cells to stimulate repair and to regulate gene expression.


Exosomes vs. Stem Cells
Exosomes and stem cells share a common goal and purpose: to regenerate the broken tissue and cells that happen because of age. And aging isn’t for the faint of heart.


What Are the Potential Benefits of Exosome P-Shot® Therapy?

Exosome therapy is an amazing treatment that uses modern technology to bring your cells back to the condition they were in when your skin was younger, more elastic, and brighter.


Stem Cell Exosome Therapy- How Long Does It Take?
Exosome therapy is an amazing treatment that uses modern technology to bring your cells back to the condition they were in when your skin was younger, more elastic, and brighter.


Reserve your appointment
By analyzing your cells’ pathways, Stephanie and her team can customize your Exosome P-Shot in Los Angeles to resolve your erectile dysfunction, and all the emotional baggage it comes with. Your sex life is a major indicator of your quality of life – why not optimize it? To get started today, call 310−954−1450 or contact us here.

1. A. Wei F. Chen, H. Zhang S. He, 276 Adipose-derived stem cell-derived exosomes ameliorate erectile dysfunction in a rat model of type 2 diabetes, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, July 2018Volume 15, Issue 7, Supplement 3, Page S234

2. Ouyang X, Han X, Chen Z, Fang J, Huang X, Wei Hm MSC-derived exosomes ameliorate erectile dysfunction by alleviation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle apoptosis in a rat model of cavernous nerve injury. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018 Sep 26;9(1):246. doi: 10.1186/s13287-018-1003-1

Get the support you need.

Experience compassionate care and tailored solutions for your sexual health and anti-aging concerns. We will work with you to enhance satisfaction and wellbeing.

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We do not offer refunds on services rendered. Results for aesthetic services can vary significantly from person to person. We will do our best to achieve your desired result, but outcomes cannot be guaranteed. Patients are responsible for any additional treatments that may be needed to achieve and maintain desired outcomes. If a package is purchased and the patient would like a refund for unused treatments, the refund amount will be calculated as the package price minus the number of treatments used at the individual treatment price.