Hair Growth
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Exosome Hair Therapy
Silky, luscious, irresistible hair. Everyone wants it. But what are you willing to do to get it?
There are so many cosmetic products for hair regeneration out there: from oral to topical to surgical. The most popular drugs (finasteride and minoxidil) provide only short-term improvement, and quitting them can cause even more rapid hair loss. The surgical options – autologous single follicle and follicular unit transplantation – are risky, and the number of follicle donors is limited.
Scientists have been trying to figure out how to regrow thinning hair naturally for decades. Now they’ve finally demonstrated the efficacy of the most natural regenerative solution: exosomal therapy – a highly potent enhancement to stem cell therapy. It’s already been clinically proven to regenerate third degree burns on patient’s faces – so imagine what a regenerative force it can bring to your hair follicles.
Your “hair loss cure 2021” search ends here, at Novus Anti-Aging Center, where Stephanie Wolff has been following exosome research for years.
She and her team know well the slow but steady process of shrinking hair follicles. One-third of females and two-third of males are expected to experience it sometime between the ages of 30 – 40. Overabundant DHT (a testosterone byproduct) makes your hair follicles highly susceptible to gradual shrinkage – the hairs that fall out of your scalp are replaced by thinner, weaker ones every year.
You can prevent pattern baldness with powerful exosome therapy. Click here to discover how it can generate a full head of thick, silky hair.
How can exosomes restore your hair?
When extracted from Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), exosomes also contain these crucial growth factors:
- SCF: enables stem cell and melanocyte growth
- TGFß3: converts inflammatory T Cells into anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells
- VEGF: stimulates blood vessel formation
- MIP-1: recruits mononuclear cells to the scalp
- FGF: this potent growth factor affects a variety of cells
By telling a cell to deliver mRNA, exosomes can also force other cells to make proteins that repair damage or regulate genes, enhancing the therapeutic effects of stem cells.
But now, biologists can isolate and deliver these beneficial signalers directly. Because they’re so small and nimble, exosomes can remain hidden in the bloodstream, and carry multiple doses of proteins across barriers that cells are not able to cross.
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How are exosomes delivered to the scalp?
It takes about 60 million placental tissue MSCs to isolate 0.1 to 2 mg of exosome serum, which alters the environment of your scalp’s stem cells, enabling them to generate their own exosomes.
Stephanie will gently and precisely inject them with local anesthesia into the superficial dermis of your scalp. She may also integrate some PRP to help cells migrate to precisely the follicles that need them.
Although many Novus Anti-Aging Center patients resume their normal schedules the day after therapy, you may be sore for about a week following the procedure. Stephanie will ask you to take a break from strenuous exercise while your scalp cells initialize regeneration (about a week).
It may take several months for you to experience the full benefits of exosomal therapy, according to hundreds of clinical trials on thousands of patients. As with any medical treatment, results will vary from patient to patient, depending on age, genetics, environmental conditions, and aftercare.
Boston, MA
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