What is BHRT?

Hormones are responsible for some of the most important functions of the body like energy, muscle tone, quality of sleep, motivation, mental clarity, libido, and overall mood. Studies have shown, balanced hormones are essential for good health and disease prevention as we age.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) optimizes hormone levels with tiny pellets under the skin that release bio-identical estrogen and/or testosterone continuously through the bloodstream.

Patients have reported:

  • Regained energy, muscle strength, and a greater ability to lose weight.
  • Increased mental clarity and feel younger and happier again.
  • Improved quality of life while preventing age-related illness.

Why Should Women Consider BHRT?

Estrogen is the most important hormone for women; the loss of estrogen puts them at an increased risk for osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, impaired vision, and Parkinson’s disease. The longer a woman is without estrogen, the greater her risk for serious health consequences.

Estrogen receptors are in varying organs throughout the body which is why hormonal imbalances produce a variety of symptoms such as skin elasticity, moodiness, bone shrinkage, and cognitive decline. Estrogen is also thought to be a natural antidepressant and mood stabilizer. This is noticeable when estrogen levels rise in the first week of menses, their overall effect is to increase the amount of serotonin available between the brain’s nerve cells leading to an increase in mood.

The brain needs normal amounts of testosterone in balance with estrogen to produce serotonin which supports emotional balance. Furthermore, the deficiency or imbalance of testosterone can lead to muscle atrophy, osteopenia, osteoporosis and pain in the muscles and joints.

Why Should Men Consider BHRT?

Studies have shown that men begin losing testosterone at a rate of 3% to 10% per year beginning at age 30. Medical research has defined the male equivalent to menopause as andropause. Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men may include fatigue, lack of mental clarity, loss of libido, and difficulty achieving or sustaining an erection.

Hormonal treatments for men can be expensive, require daily consumption, and in many cases need to be carefully timed with their partner’s sexual needs. Bio-identical hormone pellet therapy is the only method of testosterone treatment that gives sustained and consistent testosterone levels throughout the day for four to six months without any drastic “rollercoaster” blood testosterone levels.

Is BHRT Therapy right for you?

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalances, such as difficulty sleeping, moody, anxious, depressed, decreased muscle strength, and reduced sexual desire, he or she might be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy.

Come visit us at Novus Anti-Aging Center to learn more and we can help you decide if BHRT is the right treatment option for you and your health outcomes.

Get the support you need.

Experience compassionate care and tailored solutions for your sexual health and anti-aging concerns. We will work with you to enhance satisfaction and wellbeing.

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We do not offer refunds on services rendered. Results for aesthetic services can vary significantly from person to person. We will do our best to achieve your desired result, but outcomes cannot be guaranteed. Patients are responsible for any additional treatments that may be needed to achieve and maintain desired outcomes. If a package is purchased and the patient would like a refund for unused treatments, the refund amount will be calculated as the package price minus the number of treatments used at the individual treatment price.