If you’re looking for a quick and simple way to boost your orgasms, try Kegel exercises for men! Kegels aren’t just for the ladies—by doing regular reps, you can take your bedroom game to a whole new level. Kegels help you control ejaculation so you can last longer in bed, they make your orgasms more powerful, and they increase your erections.
What Are Kegel Exercises for Men?
Kegel exercises for men are quick exercises that work out your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles stretch from the tailbone to the pubic bone.
Kegels flex three muscles: the iliococcygeus (IC) muscle, the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle, and the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. By strengthening these muscles, men achieve greater control of them, which can make a major difference in the bedroom.
How Do I Do Kegels?
To do Kegel exercises, all men need to do is contract and release their pelvic floor muscles. The feeling of contracting your pelvic floor muscles is the same as the feeling of pausing your stream while urinating. Trying that once or twice should give you a good idea of the feeling you’re going for.
Contract those pelvic muscles for ten seconds. It’s important to isolate the pelvic muscles; while you’re contracting them, the muscles in your sides, buttocks, abdomen, and back shouldn’t be contracting.
After you’ve held for ten seconds, release for ten seconds. Do ten reps in a row once per hour, at least three sets per day. Breathe normally during Kegels. If you catch yourself holding your breath, remind yourself to let it out and just breathe normally.
There’s no need to break a sweat at the gym for these—you can do Kegels anywhere! We recommend doing Kegels whenever you need to sit down for a long time. You can do them at home, at work, even in the car when you’re on a long drive.
If you’re getting tired during Kegel exercises for men, it’s always okay to stop for a bit. You never want to tire yourself out. Additionally, if you’re feeling any pain during Kegel exercises, you may not be performing them correctly.
Keep doing those Kegels daily and you’ll start to notice results! Results are usually experienced after a few weeks to a few months of regular Kegels.
Find Out More About Kegel Exercises for Men
If you want to learn more about Kegel exercises for men, the sexual-wellness experts at Novus Anti-Aging Center are here to help! Contact Novus Anti-Aging Center today to set up your consultation.